Monsta Bud 5L Ozi Magic Gro Juice Organic Flower Fruit Formation Food Nutrient

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Monsta Bud is Australia’s oldest and most trusted high organic plant food and nutrient mix. Monsta Bud increases yields and boosts essential oil production.

Monsta Bud is a special bioorganic blend of high quality base mineral salts combined with a range of over 80 different organic compounds including soluble seaweed, beeswax extract (triacontanol), humic and fulvic acid and other natural plant extracts.

Monsta Bud promotes and ensures a happy root zone and vigorous plant growth using the natural synergy between the growing medium and plant nutrient uptake.


  • Provides energy
  • Promotes growth
  • Molecular vitamin tonic
  • Healthier crop yields

Package Includes:

1x 5L Ozi Magic Gro Juice Monsta Bud. 

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