100% Biodegradable Eco Dental Floss

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Our eco-friendly, vegan, biodegradable dental floss comes in rolls of 30 metres. They can be purchased as a ‘twin pack’ with one bamboo charcoal and one cornstarch mint. Alternatively,just order a single!
It is 100% vegan and totally biodegradable, just pop it into your compost when finished. Don’t flush it, even though it will biodegrade we don’t want to strangle any fish in the meantime!

It doesn’t contain any nasties, neither to us who put it in our mouth or the environment. Completely BPA and chemical free. It’s an eco-friendly alternative to conventional dental floss and used in just the same way. Pull out the amount that you like and cut easily on the metal lid. Twisted up conveniently in a glass container you can easily and safely recycle the entire little jar once you decide to. We also have refills so you actually won’t need to throw anything away. In true reusable, zero waste fashion just using the jar again and again and topping that baby up!
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height 33
width 22
Length 11
Brand Us and the Earth
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