Keg King 10psi Blue PRV

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Finally, an affordable option for those looking to get into pressure fermentation without the extra cost of extra spunding equipment.

This Blue Pressure Relief Valve can be used to keep 10psi of pressure on your ale ferments in our Fermenter King P.E.T. Pressure Fermenter/Unitank range.

The blue PRV will lift when pressure exceeds 10psi and will reseal at the end of fermentation when the pressure drops back.

Please note, there will be a hissing noise throughout fermentation when using these PRVs.

Brewers will need to replace the blue PRV with the red PRV to carbonate at pressures higher than 10psi.

More Information
height 3
width 3
Length 3
Colour Blue
Brand Keg King
EAN n/a
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